- Get involved
Being in care
- Foster Placements
- Your Social Worker
- Who's Who in Essex Social Care
- A to Z of terms used in care
- Plans, reviews and assessments
- Co-Parenting Pledge: Our Promise to You
- Your Rights and Seeing your File
- Staying in Touch with Family and Friends
- Independent Visitors Service
- Separated Migrant Children and Young People
- School
- Your Health
- Your IRO (Independent Reviewing Officer)
- Leaving care
- Video Gallery & Staying Safe
- Have your say
- Events
- Writing competition
- Nomination at the National Working Group
- Short story Winners
- New to care card
- Essex Care Leavers Christmas Hamper Campaign
- Changes to the way we keep in touch with you
- Advice and support during COVID-19
- Our care leavers share some supporting words for us all during COVID-19
- Spending time with your birth family
- Leaving lockdown
- Examination re-sits and appeals process
- Let's talk going back to school with Essex Boys and Girls Club
- Our September 2022 update
- New co-parenting strategy
- We hear you
- Care Leavers Hampers 22
- Its My Life 2022
- If you go missing...
- Lets celebrate LGBT+ history month
- Proud to be me group
- Essex County Councils 'we care you share' collection
- Research on The Effects of Experiences of Adoption, Fostering or Being in the Care System on the Executive Functioning of Young Adults
- June Pride Month