Co-Parenting Pledge: Our promise to you

Essex County Council has made a set of promises to all children and young people in care and leaving care. These promises are called The Pledge.

  1. To do everything we can to make you feel cared about, valued and respected as an individual
  2. To do our very best to keep you safe, healthy and well
  3. To make sure you have a social worker or personal adviser who will spend time with you and get to know you
  4. To do our best to help you keep in touch with your family, brothers and sisters, and friends when you come into care
  5. To make sure you have opportunities to achieve and succeed
  6. To fully involve you in decision making so your views are listened to and to explain when we have to make a decision that you may not like or agree with
  7. To help you become independent

To find out more about the Essex Pledge for children and young people email