Video transcript: Child Sexual Exploitation awareness - I didn't know
Scene 1
I DIDN’T KNOW is written in flickering graphics that look like neon lighting.
Letters are removed to say I KNOW.
Male voice 1
“I didn’t know that if you have lots of friends that you were still at risk.”
Female voice 1
“I didn’t know that if you were the most popular young person in school that it could still happen to you.”
Female voice 2
“I didn’t know that my teacher would be able to help me.”
Male voice 2
I didn’t know that when my girlfriend sent me a topless selfie and I sent it to a mate, it was breaking the law.”
Female voice 3
“I didn’t know that a 30 year old chatting up a 13 year old isn’t legal.”
Male voice 4
“I didn’t know that 17 year olds can still be victims of CSE.”
Female voice 4
“Things are looking up, I’m finally feeling myself again.”
Scene 2
I DIDN’T KNOW is written using sausage shaped bits of green and white plasticine.
The letters forming DIDN’T scrunch themselves into a ball and roll off screen using stop frame animation leaving I KNOW.
Female voice 5
“I didn’t know that boys could be victims too, even straight boys.”
Male voice 5
“I didn’t know the risks I was taking when I went missing.”
Scene 3
A hand holds a mobile phone and texts.
A text message speech bubble appears to the left of the screen which says I DIDN’T KNOW.
The hand then sends another text and another speech bubble appears which says I KNOW.
Female voice 6
“I didn’t know that all the gifts and money they gave me meant they wanted sex.”
Female voice 7
“I didn’t know that when they topped my phone up they only wanted me to text and call them.”
Male voice 6
I didn’t think it was other young people that could be abusers. I always thought it was old men in rain macs.”
Female voice 8
“I didn’t know who was out there to listen to me.”
Scene 4
The screen is split horizontally. The bottom half is black while the top half shows the tops of two heads which are wearing black caps backwards.
The caps begin to rotate using stop frame animation so that the peak is coming to the front. As they rotate you can see wording I DIDN’T KNOW written on the front.
Scene 5
The screen is split horizontally. The bottom half is black while the top half shows the tops of two heads which are wearing white caps backwards.
The caps begin to rotate using stop frame animation so that the peak is coming to the front. As they rotate you can see wording I KNOW written on the front.
Male voice 7
“I lived in a nice house, in a nice area. I pretty much had anything I wanted and could do what I wanted as mum and dad were always working. The trouble started when I met Rachel in the park.
Scene 6
Playing cards come one by one onto a table. They are face down and each card has a letter written on the back. This spells out I DIDN’T KNOW.
The cards with the letters DIDN’T move off the screen leaving I KNOW.
Male voice 7
We got chatting and she asked if I wanted to go for a drive with her and her mates. As it was a lot cooler than hanging out in the park. I thought she was fit. Soon she was the most important person and didn’t realise what she was getting me into.
Scene 7
White board. Person comes onto the screen and sprays graffiti on it which says I DIDN’T KNOW. They then go off screen.
The person comes back on screen and sprays over the word DIDN’T leaving I KNOW.
Male voice 7
Afterwards I didn’t know where to turn. I found it hard finding the courage to speak to my Youth Worker. It took months, but I’m glad I did. I’ve started to feel myself again”
Scene 8
I DIDN’T KNOW is written in pasta shapes. Hands take away the shapes spelling DIDN’T and leave the words I KNOW.
Female voice 9
“My mum said I started acting differently since I started dating my brother’s friend. I thought I was being grown up. So what if he didn’t want me to hang around with my friends anymore. They were all so childish, but soon it got out of control. I would just go along with it to keep him.”
Scene 9
Hands use chocolate finger biscuits to spell I DIDN’T KNOW. They then take away the biscuits spelling DIDN’T leaving I KNOW.
Female voice 9
“I was in an unhealthy relationship. I only realised this when the police came into school to talk about CSE and explained what an unhealthy relationship is.”
Female voice 10
“When I was invited to a party I was really excited. They gave me money for a new outfit and picked me up so that I didn’t have to get the bus.”
Hands use cooked pasta shapes to write I DIDN’T KNOW on a plate. The hands then take off DIDN’T to leave I KNOW. Someone else tips the rest of the cooked pasta shapes in tomato sauce onto the plate.
Female voice 10
“It was a bit strange when I realised I was the only girl but they said they didn’t need any others because I was so beautiful. They made me feel so special and let me drink whatever I wanted. After that I went to lots of parties. It was fun at the beginning but I didn’t know that they expected me to pay them back for clothes and drink with sex. I can’t remember how many parties I went to as I was so drunk or tried to forget. I just thought I’d got myself into this mess so I just had to deal with it. When I got pregnant I spoke to my doctor I finally realised this whole time that it wasn’t my fault. They helped me to get the support I needed to change what was going on.”
Scene 11
Three girls use different coloured sweets to write I DIDN’T KNOW on a large piece of paper.
One young person takes off the sweets spelling DIDN’T leaving I KNOW.
Mixture of voices male and female
“I found help when I spoke to my doctor.”
“I found help at my youth centre.”
“I found help with my school nurse.”
“I found help speaking to my carer.”
“I found help talking to my social worker. “
“I found help speaking to a teacher.”
“I found help speaking to a Youth Worker.”
Scene 12
Out of focus shot of a black marker pen being used to write something on white paper.
Camera pulls back to reveal that the paper says I DIDN’T KNOW.
The hand comes back into shot and crosses out DIDN’T to leave I KNOW.
Female voice 10
“If you have experienced some of the things that we have been talking about in this film, or it has made you think about things that are going on in your life,”
Female voice 11
“you need to know that there are organisations out there to listen to you and help you.”
Male voice 8
Don’t keep your worries to yourself, don’t take the blame and don’t let people control you.”
Female voice 11
“Talking to someone may help you to understand what is going on.”
Female voice 10
“and how you can move on with your life.”
Voices talking at the same time
I didn’t know it could happen to me, but if it does I’ll know what to do.”
Scene 13
Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation appears on the screen.
CSE is someone taking advantage of you sexually for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own, or other people’s benefit or enjoyment (including touching or kissing private parts, sex, taking sexual photos).