Have your say

We want to hear from you, your opinions make every difference

Its really important for you to be involved in decisions about your life.

You'll be invited to meetings such as your Child in Care Review and Personal Education Planning meetings. These are an opportunity for you to tell us what you think and how you’re feeling.

Remember: You don’t need to wait for a meeting to get something sorted. If you’re worried about anything, you can contact your social worker or Independent Reviewing Officer for advice and support. 


If you’re worried about speaking up in front of adults you can talk to an advocate whose job is to speak on your behalf.

Find out more about advocacy


We want to have your feedback on your time in care so that we can understand what we’re doing well and what we might need to improve.

You can feedback to us at any time about any aspect of your care. You can:

Contact us

Contact the Involvement Team