Housing Options

If you can’t stay with your foster carer, parent/s or a family member then your social worker will help you to think about what’s best for you.

Supported accommodation

This where you have your own room in a shared property, a block of flats or a bedsit.
You live with other young people and a key worker who will help you to manage your bills like rent, electricity and food.

Supported lodgings

This is when an adult or family give you a room in their home. They support and guide you to develop life skills such as:

  • budgeting 
  • using public transport
  • managing their health

Housing associations

You may be considered for your own flat with a housing association, but there are very few flats available.

More information about local housing associations is available on our Provider Hub.

Private rented accommodation

The GOV.UK website has helpful advice and guidance on renting from a private landlord.